If you’re going to do it, this is the time. For cactus seed, Penya Seeds has an impressive list: Golden Ball, Golden Barrel:
Claret Cup Hedgehog (who could resist the name ? )
Silver Torch--- which grows beautifully around here. This one lives up the street.
Unlikely as it sounds, Rare Palm Seeds
This is one of the most fantastic agaves --- a green tiger. Never seen one in the flesh, but Rare Palms has the seeds.
Another favorite site has aloe seeds
By now the aloe has developed a personality --- with strong tastes and habits.! If you'd like to see a picture of this determined character go to: :http://www.plantzafrica.com/plantab/aloeperfol.htm.
There Werner Voight has a picture. Voight informs us that the plant’s name has been changed to a. perifolata (2005) and that the common name is mitre aloe or bishops’ hat. He gives explicit directions for growing the aloe. It sounds undemanding--- my kind of aloe to try growing from seed.
.” The species name perfoliata means surrounding or embracing and refers to the arrangement of the leaves on the stems. A. perfoliata is one of seven aloes with distinctive creeping stems. All species of creeping aloes flower in the dry summer months... Growing A. perfoliata is very easy….. Use coarse river sand and cover seeds…”
Coarse,--- but not rude--- sand does work. Sempervivums seeds
obtained from Thompson and Morgan--fine as dust--have come up. Unbelievable! white spots are seeds germinating.
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